This page is outdated since the DS1302 is replaced by the DS1307 that has it`s own pagina. Description This brick is an complete clock, providing a date and time with a resolution of 1 second with leap-year compensation valid up to 2100. The DS1302 is designed to operate on very low power and retain data and clock information on less than 1µW. It uses Less Than 300nA at 2.0V. The DS1302 is the successor to the DS1202. A 3Vdc battery cell (CR2032) keeps it running while powered off. Interfacing the DS1302 with a microprocessor is simplified by using synchronous serial communication. Communication is done through I²C and the address is fixed at #D0. Connections Only three wires are required to communicate with the clock/RAM: CE, I/O (data line), and SCLK (serial clock). On the Arduino these lines can be connected to any I/O pin directly, without any resistors needed. ConnectionsBrickLibrary CERSTkCePin I/ODATkIoPin SCLKCLKkSclkPin Libraries There are several libraries available to function with the DS1302: by NeiroN This library is the only one included in the IDE that still uses the 1302 (2018). You must install his library locally by using the IDE Include library function. It also needs the #include Wire.h library. For some reason it just does not work for a DS1302 at my UNO rev3. Deze library werkt echter wel goed voor de nieuwere DS1307. by Matt Sparks This library can be downloaded from Github. Software voor dit onderdeelSTKmega8test8.asm  - Atmel ATmega8 (Edit)STKmega8test7.asm  - Atmel ATmega8 (Edit)Fut24ls51201.asm  - Atmel ATmega32 (Edit)DS1302firstUse  - Verplaatst Arduino Mega 2560 (Edit)Algemene informatieLaatste verandering2019-04-20Soort onderdeelSensorsStatusActiefKYcodeRO-041Prijsindicatie3,20SketchvoorbeeldArduinoPinoutIconicons/clock_icon.pngPubliceerNeeUp to dateNeeLaatstbewerkte onderdelen2024-11-29 Laser 650nm2024-11-29 LDR2024-09-24 Verplaatst Robots2024-04-16 Verplaatst Muziektheorie2024-03-26 Verplaatst µControllers